Family Quote from Dad

by Loretta
(Toronto, Canada)

Father and Daughter Picture

Father and Daughter Picture

My favorite family quote was something my father used to say.

My father was short. He was only about 5 foot 6 inches. That is short for an American man. I suspect he had taken a lot of teasing about it all his life too.

He was a salesman and therefore was in contact with a lot of people. Whenever someone commented on his height, he would always say... ""Well, there's no shame in being short but sometimes it's mighty inconvenient."

Over the years, this quote took on a deeper meaning to me than just coming from a short man with a good sense of humor. It has come to mean that we all have weaknesses but how those weaknesses affect us is largely based on our attitudes toward them.

We can acknowledge that we have weaknesses without giving them more negative thoughts than they require. It makes life easier when you can accept your faults and laugh at yourself.

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Dec 13, 2007
Oh, this is a great quote!
by: Joe Waters - webmaster

I like the way you've put your own spin on what this quote means. It's amazing how a quote can be interpreted in so many different ways.

Your father did have a great sense of humor, but more importantly, I think, was his ability to see his shortcomings or weaknesses for what they are...and be just fine with them.

That's life. We all have weaknesses; but it's how we deal with them that defines who we are. Your father was a perfect example of this.

Great quote...thank you!

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