Top 10 List -
Inspirational Coach Quotes

Coaches, if you need some extra inspiration...check out these Inspirational Coach Quotes. This list of Coaching Quotes includes some amazing words of wisdom, advice and insights into the world of coaching. Enjoy these great quotes!

My Favorite Inspiring Coaching Quote Of All Time...

Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.

Timothy Gallwey

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Top 10 Inspirational Coaching Quotes List

Inspiring Coach Quotes #1

I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum potential.

Bob Nardelli

Inspiring Coach Quotes #2

Coaching is a profession of love. You can't coach people unless you love them.

Eddie Robinson

Inspiring Coach Quotes #3

Make sure that team members know they are working with you, not for you.

John Wooden

Inspiring Coach Quotes #4

The secret to winning is constant, consistent management.

Tom Landry

Inspiring Coach Quotes #5

Part therapist, part consultant, part motivational expert, part professional organizer, part friend, part nag — the personal coach seeks to do for your life what a personal trainer does for your body.

Kim Palmer

Inspiring Coach Quotes #6

Our chief want in life is someone who will make us do what we can.


Inspiring Coach Quotes #7

What makes a good coach? Complete dedication.

George Halas

Inspiring Coach Quotes #8

A coach can play any number of roles –mentor, consultant, motivator, but one thing she [or he] is not is a therapist. Coaching deals with the “how”: how you can move on from where you are and make change. It’s action-oriented, and concerned with the present and future, not the past.

Shape Magazine

Inspiring Coach Quotes #9

I learn teaching from teachers. I learn golf from golfers. I learn winning from coaches.

Harvey Penick

Inspiring Coach Quotes #10

Leadership, like coaching, is fighting for the hearts and souls of men and getting them to believe in you.

Eddie Robinson

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