Beautiful Ones by Mary J. Blige

by Ryan
(Florida, USA)

Mary J. Blige Picture

Mary J. Blige Picture

My favorite inspirational quote comes from the Mary J. Blige CD called "Mary".

The song is called "Beautiful Ones."

The quote is "I will love you till the sun goes down on your soul"

The song has inspired me because it reflects what I feel for my partner as well as close family and friends. The song feels genuine, like it came from a real place, not the synthetic nonsense that stars put out just to appeal to the fans.

Being a person who has lost my mother, best childhood friend, my favorite aunt, my great-grandmother, a good friend, and have watched friends lose loved ones, I know life is precious.

The phrase "I will love you till the sun goes down on your soul" is not sad or macabre, it's just real and honest and a loving way to express love without the extra hurt of the thought of losing a loved one.

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Dec 17, 2007
Great Song with a Touching Story
by: Joe Waters - webmaster

Hey Ryan, thanks for submitting these song lyrics from Mary J. Blige.

This song seems to be very special to you and the lyrics have really helped you deal with some significant losses in your life.

That's the wonderful thing about music quotes and song lyrics...they help you deal with and express your feelings so well. Sometimes they help us deal with situations or events in our lives that are "too much" for us to handle. It sounds like this song does that for you.

Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful Mary J. Blige lyrics with us.

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