Inspirational Sports Quote from Yogi Berra

by Stan
(Seattle, WA, USA)

Picture of Yogi Berra

Picture of Yogi Berra

My favorite inspirational sports quote is "It ain't over til it's over" by Yogi Berra.

This quote inspired me to always play my hardest no matter the situation because you never know what might happen in sports as long as you try and give it your all.

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Dec 17, 2007
Classic quote from Yogi
by: Joe Waters - webmaster

This is a great, and classic, quote from Yogi Berra that not only applies to sports...but also to life in general.

As you stated Stan, you never know what happens in sports as long as you try and give it your all. Well, the same can be said about life. Always give life, and anything you do, your complete effort and great things will usually happen.

Thanks for this great inspirational quote Stan.

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