My Favorite Funny Quote

by JimW

Pull those shiny shoes and socks off his feet and he is much less intimidating!

Pull those shiny shoes and socks off his feet and he is much less intimidating!

"If you have to confront a powerful man, picture him in his bare feet."

My father told me this when I had difficulty with an ambitious and ruthless colleague who wanted to crush me on the corporate ladder.

My dad was a janitor and when I explained the situation to him, he told me "All men are the same without their shoes and socks. A janitor in a uniform and an executive in a fancy Italian suit and tie are on the same level. Just see the guy who wants to climb over you in his bare feet instead of his shiny shoes. He won't get to you!"

In my mind's eye, I saw my dapper colleague on the ladder of success above me in his business suit, crushing my hands with his polished wingtips. Then I pictured him barefoot. It was impossible to take him seriously or to fear him.

I have never forgotten that lesson.

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